A review by laurapatriciarose
The Breakup Doctor by Phoebe Fox


Originally posted on:> http://lauraslittlebookblog.blogspot.co.uk/2014/06/the-breakup-doctor-by-phoebe-fox.html

The Breakup Doctor follows the story of Brook Ogden who has just lost her practice. At a loss as to what to do, her friend Sasha steps in and helps her land a weekly column in a newspaper and gives herself the name: The Breakup doctor. She even gets her consulting services off the ground, giving advice to people going through breakups and how to deal with them. Brook is the epitome of all breakup doctors. She knows exactly what advice to give her clients and steers them in the right direction. However things take a big turn for Brook when her own relationship crumbles and she finds herself doing the things that she has been advising her clients against!

This was a nice story to read and I found that it was quite enlightening in places. Despite Brooks own mistakes she does give good advice on how to handle break ups.

Although Brook is a nice character I just couldn't really warm to her throughout the story. She is judgmental of others without realising it and seems to look down on others like her friend Sasha who goes through lots of breakups and handles them in her own, if a little crazy way.

I did get that the story focused on Brook realising that there is not always a best way to handle a breakup and she does go off the rails, but even as she was making this discovery, I still just couldn't sympathise with her.

This was a nice story that is easy to get into, but for me it was one that I could just easily pick up and put down again.