A review by amylow1107
A Streetcar Named Murder by T.G. Herren


Review of A streetcar named Murder.

This is a cozy mystery set in New Orleans. This is the first book in a series. I gave this 3 stars. You could say this is a slow burn cozy. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Valerie is a widower with college age twin boys. She’l suddenly inherits an antique store in New Orleans. She also discovers family secrets. She navigates the secrets and finds her nemesis dead at a ball. Her next door neighbor and friends help figure out the mystery.
I felt like a lot of the first half of this book was a lot of information that wasn’t needed. Descriptions and descriptions of Valerie cooking, driving and shopping was all just filling up the book. The murder didn’t happen until half way through the book. Then was easy to figure out who did it. There was too much repetition. I loved the next door neighbor, Lorna! She was a hoot! Valerie seemed a little too oblivious to things going on around her. The little bit of romance in this happens at the end which was a downer.

I won’t be continuing this series.
I don’t recommend this unless you like slow burn cozy mystery and want a very light mystery.