A review by alyssaindira
Amber & Dusk by Lyra Selene


*no spoilers were harmed in the making of this review*

"I deserved the chance to find where i belonged"

Hey guys, so I finished Amber & Dusk by Lyra Selene. It was...well, it was definitely unique, even if in my opinion, it had some essence of the red queen series. Then again, when you read so many YA books, you are going to start to see at least some similarities amongst them. I mean, I liked this book, well, the general premise and the general plot overall, it's just some of the specific and intricate details,,,,it was...well lets just say I was in for quite the interesting ride with this book. There were the usual twists and turns to this book, and one of the major ones I was like YES. Another of the revelations i was like NO. So i guess I fall somewhere in between in regarding to not liking and loving this book. There were some aspects I loved to this book, some i didn't. For instance, i both liked and disliked the writing. This was the first novel in a series, so i expected some hefty details to explain the world and all that...but i don't think the world was conveyed as clear and concise as it could have been. The details used to describe it, most of the time, were flower metaphors and stuff, like it was tip toeing around describing the world, instead of actually describing it. And really, it didn't really explain the world and all its complexity, not really, just scenes and places. Which are important, but the things of true importance, like the legacies and the court relations and foundations, were passed over, in my opinion. Or maybe i skimmed over where they were explained, if they were, my bad. SO yeah, didn't really enjoy the lengthy, "descriptive" writing. HOwever, within the writing, i did like the concise action/battle scenes. Those were written smoothly and nice, easy to follow, not to jumbled up. The writing in general was also pretty easy to comprehend and read over, so it made for quick absorption of convos. I just wish the legacies, the powers in this book, were more clearly explained and expressed. I really like magic in books, and the magic in this book was good, but it could have been great. Another love hate relation with this book was the romance. OMG, don't even get me started. UGH. OKay, so first we have a perfectly good gentleman, who I LOVED, but the main character..well, didn't. But because of that, i thought she wasn't really gonna...ya know. BUT NOOOOOO. Gods. OKay, fair warning, this book has lots of enemies, and some of those enemies....yeah, you know where i am going. But gods I HATED IT. GAHHH. I just wanna scream. Truly. HOw dare she. HOw dare HE. LIke NO. That male...I just...cant. I mean I semi understand SUnder's background, and whatever, but I just CANT just past his...just...him. NOpe. I can't. After everything he did, how could...I just. I better just shut my mouth before i spoil something. So yes, i didn't like the romance in this book, least not when he was involved. The other dude on the other hand, he was my bae, my baby Luke. But ugh. And DONT even get me started on that half but ending. Are you kidding me??? That is NOT how you end a novel! YOu don't just have all that, then...just...done. ANd have one person almost...without help...I mean, it was so random and abrupt and GAH. THe ending was actually great, the battle and stuff, was amazing! And it was amazing, up until the actual, literal end. SO the beginning of the book was pretty great, the middle of the book was alright, with its ups and downs. Even the end of the book was good, but the end end, no, just no. BUt, the main things i loved in this book were life at court and Sylvie. I loved how it went through Sylvie trying to adjust to court life and learn all the dalliances and etiquette and secrets to court intrigue. I just loved that. I especially love how she worked through her legacy and everything with that. But most importantly, i loved Sylvie as a character. She was so strong, brave, bold, ambition, and just a little cruel and monstrous. SHe was amazing, truly. SHe was so determined, and no matter the obstacles that got in her way, she continued on without looking back. Yes she had her flaws and doubts, but that just made her more realistic. Even her desire to belong and have some sort of status was relatable. She just wanted to find a world where she could fit in and be herself. SHe would find and fight for that world until the bitter end. I love her for that, for not giving up. When things looked down, she didn't quit. She didnt give up on her dreams. She just found a new way to make it a reality. Yes, she was a bit naive and childish at times, but that just helped her character grow and develop and learn throughout the course of this novel. Yes, she went in to the court thinking one thing, to have it flip entirely on her head. But she didn't let that bring her down. She merely just..continued on. I just love her. So yeah...i think i prattled on long enough. remember, this is all my opinion and if you want your own, read the book. Alright, till next time, bye.