A review by shezza_says
The Broken Throne by Christopher G. Nuttall


I’ve been hating on the last few books in the series, but this is probably the worst.

I loved the first few books but the series has been going downhill for a while. I HATE Zangaria, ever since Emily got mixed up in that country and it politics I have been skipping pages and then chapters. I don’t want to be a martyr and keep going with this series but I do want you to know how it ends.

This series has so much potential but it got bogged down in polatics and war.

A similar book/series Akarnae has the same-ish premise with girl ending up in another world and going to a gifted school, that one is four books in with the last one out in February and it’s still going strong unlike this train wreck. Check it out if your giving up like me...