A review by leahtd
Blocked by L.P. Dover


Dallas Easton is the hot NHL goalie for the Carolina Strikers and he knows it and the fans know it. His fame, skills and good looks have made him quite the playboy. When one player gets a few pucks past him on the ice, Dallas gets ready to pummel him, only to realize it was actually a woman, Callie Davis, a selfless nurse with who is good on her skates. Dallas tries to makes amends with Callie but he has to get past Callie's three brothers, one of which is Dallas' teammate. But Dallas doesn't care what they think, and he is used to getting what he wants, and he wants Callie.

From the start, I was SO into this book. I mean by favorite hockey player is a goalie so I am all about goalie, hockey romances and this one did not disappoint. Dallas is cocky, but Dover does a good job still giving him redeeming qualities and his cocky nature made all that Callie made him do extremely gratifying. Callie makes Dallas jump through all these hoops and he does so with a sexy smile and a wink. He also catches her off guard with some of his attempts to prove himself which were silly and cute. This book was fun and made me giggle and keep reading for more.

Blocked also has some some great characters. Besides Callie and Dallas, I loved Callie's brothers and how much they all cared for each other. It was a great family dynamic. The other characters on the peripheral did a good job adding to the story rather than just being another name or another hockey player (which is a trap some hockey romances fall into is just naming everyone all the time).

Additionally, I liked how this book can be read as a stand alone (which I did) but it also hints at further books to come in the series and the book before it following Kellan and Kirsten (which I just bought and can't wait to read). It was a really good stand alone romance that also offers more if the reader wants to continue with the Strikers team. I definitely will continue to follow this author and series. I love a good hockey romance series and I think this series is going to be a good one as it continues.

Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with a copy of this book in return for an honest review.