A review by angelpayne
Misadventures with a Manny by Toni Aleo


Absolutely one of my favorite books in the Misadventures series! I have to admit that I opened this one with a bit or curiosity. The idea of turning a manny into a sexy romance hero seemed like a daunting task to me--but I should have known it was Toni freakin' Aleo that we're talking about here, and the woman didn't just handle the task with grace, style, and sexiness...folks, she hit the damn ball right out of the park. The best thing is, she did it all with a subtlety to her prose and a respect for her characters that had me falling in love with them as true, real people that are dealing with true, real issues. My heart was aching and laughing and swooning and sighing, rooting for Linc and Vera as they fought their way past the misgivings and insecurities that would befall any normal couple having to redefine life around jobs and kids and "real life." The relatability of this story is the core of its beautiful charm, sigh-worthy feels, and eventually, and an HEA so satisfying, I closed the book with a reluctant sigh. I seriously didn't want it to end! Such a wonderful and well-told story. All the stars!!!