A review by dnemec
Wasps in the Ice Cream by Tim McGregor


Mark is bored. It's summer, and he's tired of his friends, Kevin and Eric. He's tired of his 2 jobs - one at the RV park and the other at a crappy ice cream stand. And he's tired of his father and particularly his step-mother. One night while at thw store, Mark runs into the Farrow sisters at the grocery store. The Farrows are the town weirdos. Formerly wealthy, the Farrow clan had lost their money and now live in an extremely large, dilapidated (and slightly haunted) house. The girls were always weird, but since they were pulled out of the high school the entire family have become recluses. He is intrigued by the middle sister, who appears to be trying to steal a Lovecraft paperback. Kevin, who loves camo and guns and knives and firecrackers, decides to play a mean trick, not for the first time. He and several other boys, including a reluctant Mark, intercept the girls and throw firecrackers at them. A few days later, a remorseful Mark visits the big house and finds the girl. Her name is George (short for Georgia) and he is immediately smitten. But there is something weird about her. When they first meet, she is replacing witch bottles around her family's yard to ward off evil. Despite that and being chased off by her sisters, he can't help but come back. An unlikely friendship commences, and try as they might, they are unable to hide it from others. The consequences are not good.

This was a pretty good coming of age story. Despite his flaws, Mark is a sympathetic character. It did feel a little flat though, and I can't seem to articulate why. I've been thinking about it, and I'm not sure why. Perhaps because of the lackluster relationship with his friends? Or it could be just me. Overall though, it was an enjoyable read. And there is something wonderful about that title and cover art. 3 1/2 stars.