A review by lua_bib
New Daddy at Forty-Seven by Nora Phoenix


Finally we get the second part of Kinsey and Ben's story! Nora left us on a minor cliffhanger in the first book so I was anxious to get a hold of this one, and in the end I was up reading until 4 am because I couldn’t put it down.

Whereas the first book was a bit of a slow burn to show the development between Kinsey and Ben, the pace definitely increased in this one - and it got sizzling hot! The darker themes of Kinsey's past are still present, but there's a lot more comfort and healing than hurt in this part, and the triggering subjects are handled really well by the author.

I loved Kinsey and Ben's story and development, it was everything I had hoped for and more! Their open and honest communication was beautiful and I really liked that Kinsey found his own way and managed to stand up for himself with Ben's help and support. The daddy/boy dynamic felt natural between the characters, I adored the little visit by a couple from another one of Nora’s series, it was a nice touch and a great way for Kinsey to find out what was missing in his dynamic with Ben.

This duology overall felt realistic and it's such a strong and beautiful story about living your own truth even if that deviates from society's norms or what you were raised to believe. Kinsey's past and struggles will break your heart, but his present and future with Ben will put it back together again.