A review by miss_merna
Reckoning by Lili St. Crow


I literally cannot find an accurate reason to why I read the entire Strange Angels series.

The series was suggested to me by someone who said it was similar to Vampire Academy. I haven’t been in contact with that certain person in quite a while, but If I was, I would suggest the most dreadful and terrible series ever to be published, and be absolutely sure this particular person reads it.

Oh wait, I’m able to summon up a reason. It was the love triangle. I desperately needed to know who Dru ended up with, and I also wanted to know what the heroine’s name (Dru) was short for.

So, I was basically expecting just two things from this book to be delivered. Of course, at the end she doesn’t end up with anyone and the author never tells us what Dru is short for.

The whole plot consisted of:

Dru running
Dru getting caught but escapes

Dru running
Dru getting caught but escapes

Dru running
Dru getting caught – Dru not escaping until 30-40 pages later. (The final not so epic battle)

And I’m not even exaggerating. It seriously happened three times in the book. She run and got caught three times. How the fuck did she even survive? The plot is predictable right from book one. We all know our little worthless (I don’t care if she’s physically strong, she's still worthless) heroine is going to defeat the big bad evil antagonist.

After, completing the book I felt robbed of time. I realized that in the entire book there were only boring action scenes – no precise storyline besides fighting, punching and exploding dynamites. It was like watching a dull movie just for the cool visual effects.

Save yourself the time and don’t read the complete series.