A review by mindfullibrarian
Dog Days in the City by Jodi Kendall


(free review copy) Oh my goodness. This is the first middle grade book that has straight up made me cry in a long long time. It was on the top of my most anticipated MG list for this fall and it 100% lived up to my expectations as the sequel to my favorite of Fall 2017 - THE UNLIKELY STORY OF A PIG IN THE CITY. In that story, Josie (along with her many siblings and friends) were tasked with saving a pig in their urban Ohio home, and this time it’s a litter of SEVEN puppies abandoned at the clinic where Josie volunteers.
I adore everything about this book - everything. Fans of the first in the duo will rejoice when this releases on Oct 2, and new readers should start reading PIG now so they are ready for this one as soon as it drops!