A review by emmadstanden
Finding Normal: Sex, Love, and Taboo in Our Hyperconnected World by Alexa Tsoulis-Reay


Okay so the first half was really good but she kinda totally changes her research style in her last two more controversial chapters. all of the chapters in the first half had more case studies and then the last two seemed I also really did not like that she did not include a conclusion chapter. She just presents everything and makes her own subtle (or not so subtle) opinions nested within the text, and then doesn't bring all the information together at the end with a conclusion to tie into her thesis/impetus. It just felt lazy in the second half. I think her thing is "people will be scandalized by my last two chapters" but it's really just how she changes her whole journalistic style. Like obviously the GSA and Zoosexual are super stigmatized and more polarizing in general but she doesn't seem to take a neutral presentation and doesn't have very many case studies (in contrast with 3+ case studies per chapter as in the first section).

anyways... i recommend the first half in all honesty but skip the second section. like go ahead and read the second half because you're going to, and get annoyed.

gets three stars bc of first half

queer tag bc of first couple chapters :)