A review by bookfairy99
Finding Your Way in a Wild New World: Reclaim Your True Nature to Create the Life You Want by Martha N. Beck


I have to be honest: I was pretty skeptical when I started reading this, and only got more skeptical as I pushed through the first hundred pages. “This isn’t for me,” I thought. And then, “I don’t buy any of this.” Followed by, “This can’t possibly work for me.” But about a hundred pages in, something magical happened - I still didn’t believe, but I… Imagined. I imagined a world in which everything Beck says is true. And my heart fluttered in pure, desperate joy. From that moment on, I was hooked on her every word.

And oh, I’m so glad I stuck with it! The last section - the section on finding your path (which is why I picked up the book in the first place) is filled with so much genuine opportunity for revelation and magical alchemy that it left me breathless as I read. I had all kinds of Eureka moments. The exercises were easy to follow and resulted in a ton of revelations, including unlocking something I’ve been struggling with for years.

If you’re not into metaphysical themes and are looking for a conventional career guide, you will not enjoy this book. But if you keep an open mind and go into it prepared to have your world rocked, I think you’ll be delighted by the truths contained within.

I took so many notes, and marked up so many passages. I will definitely re-read this book again and again. I am now a devoted Martha Beck fan, and I’m eager to devour everything she’s every written.