A review by abiofpellinor
The Empathy Problem by Gavin Extence


This book was a complete cover buy, I won’t lie. I bought it and The Universe Versus Alex Woods because of their beautiful covers, however, I ended up really loving VS so I was excited for this one!

We follow a man who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour, and it’s located in the part of his brain that impacts emotions. Gabriel works in finance, he has loads of money and anything he could ever want, all because he doesn’t care about people. At all. He’s not spoken to his dad in years and the closest he’s gotten to a woman is when he hires a prostitute for a night. This tumour changes all of that.

I really enjoyed reading through Gabriel’s eyes and seeing how his mindset slowly altered about different people and scenarios. He’s not necessarily a likable character but that doesn’t mean that you don’t understand where he’s coming from and the reasons behind his actions.

Oddly enough, Extence manages to make you empathise with Gabriel and really understand how scary and confusing this time must be what with his body and mind changing from the tumour and its treatment. I didn’t love this book quite as much as VS but I really did enjoy it and I think it’s a great book.

From my blog: autumnofpellinor.wordpress.com