A review by tessisreading2
Her Perfect Mate by Paige Tyler


This was fine, but both the plotting and the writing were just kind of off for me. The writing was serviceable but not particularly good; the dialogue was often clunky (people don't really talk that way). The plot, on the other hand, was very standard Special Ops Thriller Romance such that the paranormal aspects felt odd - they were just kind of there but did not really impact the story's world at all. (Shifters are, like, a known thing to the US government, but they just live among everyday people and have everyday upbringings until the government somehow finds and recruits them; this is, I guess, a Big Secret, but the top-secret organization responsible doesn't actually seem to put any effort into keeping it secret.) A large part of the story is essentially about Workplace Drama and Those Annoying Bureaucratic Rules, Man; it could just as easily have been happening over the copier at Dunder Mifflin. I get the sense that this is one of those paranormal romance books that came out at the height of the paranormal romance trend; it has all the right pieces but lacks that extra oomph that really makes it a compelling read in its own right.