A review by blurrypetals
Sunshine by Robin McKinley


Holy shit I'm so bored. DNF'd at around the halfway point.

This is one of those books that has been on my TBR list for an inordinate amount of time. I remember one of my best friends recommending it to me back in the middle of my Twilight obsession in 2007, to give you a little perspective on just exactly how long this book has been on my radar.

I know this is going to seem like a huge slam against this book, but I would honestly rather read Twilight again that finish reading this. Yes, Twilight is super weird and problematic and not very well written but it's fun and campy and, for me, nostalgic. This book, however, might portray vampires in a more traditional way than Twilight does, but it's so dull I honestly almost fell asleep at work while listening to it last night.

The way exposition is doled out is so textbook that I feel like I'm in a class I never signed up for. All the relationships Rae has, both with the vampire, Con, and the other characters that populate the diner she bakes for all seem really stale and tired. It feels like the equivalent of someone reading off a "What I Did This Summer" essay, like Rae is just listing off things she does without much emotion or weight. The only interesting character, in my opinion, is Rae's boyfriend, Mel, and he's been hardcore sidelined to make room for the awkward, stilted "romance" between Rae and her new vampire boyf. Rae is insufferable, so is Con, the plot is so boring it's literally putting me to sleep, the narrator is truly awful, and everything is terrible so I'm not going to put myself through one more minute of this, no way.