A review by obscuredbyclouds
Red Rosa: A Graphic Biography of Rosa Luxemburg by Kate Evans


This is a fairly introductionary graphic novel biography of Rosa Luxemburg. I didn't know much about her love life before reading this, but those parts were the ones I found the least well-done actually. There's other ways to describe a love life than through the same sex scenes each time.

Apart from that, some of the wording was a bit strange. It felt like a book for children at times, because the other seemed to want to sum up Rosa Luxemburg's economic and political theories for newbies, it seemed. I'm not sure if she managed to do that well and I also wonder how many people will read this book who don't already know the basic ideas of marxism and socialism. If I didn't, I'd probably found those part confusing.

My last criticism would be that the art is not 100 % my style. I think if I'd been sold on the drawings completely, this would have been a 5 star book despite the other flaws I mentioned. As it stands it's a fairly well-drawn and interesting overview of her life.

I appreciate that at the end of the book there's an explanation of things the author changed for narrative reasons and some contextualisation for some of the scenes.