A review by jonetta
Last Man Standing by Cindy Gerard


BOI operative Joe Green and NSA cryptologist Stephanie Tompkins have been in a committed relationship now for two years. However, for some time, Joe has been distancing himself from not only her but his BOI teammates. Now he’s disappeared into Sierra Leone, searching for evidence to confirm the identity of the person he believes responsible for the ambush on the Task Force Mercy team 15-years ago. Stephanie’s brother, Bryan, was killed in that skirmish so Joe has added incentive to avenge his death.

We saw this coming in the last story so I was prepared for a tough and exciting experience and that I got! It was emotionally draining on several fronts, including Joe’s stubbornness in trying to protect Stephanie, who quite frankly didn’t need it. One of the best aspects of this book was her emergence as a force to be reckoned with. She comes from strong stock but in this story, she comes into her own. Suffice it to say, Stephanie is the true hero here, using her head every step of the way. She was just great.

I know there is a really short novella that follows but this is the true ending for the series and it was the best way to conclude. Joe was the last man standing on the team who hadn’t found his center and he was given the perfect farewell. He deserves someone like Stephanie and she him. I didn’t understand their pairing initially but got how well suited they are. I loved this series and this was a great ending. However, it also set up the spin off series, One-Eyed Jacks nicely and we haven’t seen the last of this group.