A review by mschley
Every Waking Hour by Joanna Schaffhausen


Thank you to NetGalley and St Martin’s Press for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Another great installment in the Ellery Hathaway series. There’s something about these books that grabs me and doesn’t let go, and I’m always wishing there was more when I hit that last page.

We find Ellery once again embroiled in a tough mystery that makes her face her past as she races to solve it. Her dogged determinedness to not only fight for those around her but to keep going despite the life-shattering event of her abduction and near death, always has me rooting for her. She is a character with so much depth, that she is almost as interesting as the mystery she’s working to solve. And of course, I can’t forget Agent Reed Markham, her perfect foil. Steady, warm, and also an expert investigator the two are a team that I always enjoy following through an investigation. If you haven’t read any in the series, head back to book one and I promise you’ll fly through all four and still be ready for more.