A review by read_yourself_happy
The Hidden World of the Fox by Adele Brand


A short book at just 193 pages, Adele Brand uses years of research and her own observations to unlock the secrets of these elusive creatures. As Brand lives in the United Kingdom, the book focuses a bit on British foxes, but most of the information is universal.

I couldn’t have asked for more from this book. I wanted fox facts and stories, and I got exactly that. Her anecdotes about her neighborhood foxes and the urban foxes she tracked down in the middle of London were delightful.

Aside from personal anecdotes, there are also plenty of hard facts and information for fox lovers and wildlife lovers more generally. With chapters focusing on the evolution and dispersal of foxes, what they eat, how humans have changed their behavior, and more, I walked away from The Hidden World of the Fox more informed and even more in love with these beautiful creatures.

I know this is a short review, but there’s really not much else that I can say about it. If you love foxes like I do, or if you want to know more about these creatures that live all over the world (literally), then I 100% recommend Adele Brand’s The Hidden World of the Fox.