A review by caseroo7
Love Story by Lauren Layne


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Lauren Layne is one of those authors that has been kind of hit and miss for me. While I have absolutely loved some of her books, others were just okay for me. Love Story had so much promise though, as the brother's best friend trope is one of my all time favorites! Unfortunately though, this one was just okay for me even though I desperately wanted to love it.

Lucy Hawkins is ready to start her life and leave her hometown behind after getting a job offer on the other side of the country. But with that she quickly realizes that the car her family gave her to start the trip comes with a companion that she hadn't expected, her older brother's best friend. Reece Sullivan is also the guy that took her virginity before breaking her heart. Reece has put up walls to keep others out, especially after spending years caring for his sick father. But no matter how hard he tries to keep Lucy out, she has a way of getting under his skin. Can these two find a second chance at love together?

I will admit that my biggest issue here was Lucy and Reece. These two were immature and acted so childish at times. While I love some good banter, this was more like juvenile bickering and it honestly drove me nuts! There was so much push and pull, that I had a really tough time getting into the story or caring about the characters. I didn't dislike them, but I didn't feel as though I could relate to them and I wasn't invested in their story. While they did have chemistry and it was clear there were feelings between them, they just irritated me too much to ever really get behind their story.

Overall, this one was just okay and wasn't quite what I had been expecting. I really did want to love this one, and I know that Lauren Layne has a lot of talent. Love Story just didn't do it for me though, and I just couldn't get past the immaturity and constant push and pull. I know this won't be the last I read from Lauren Layne, and like I said I really have enjoyed much of what I have read from her. If this one sounds like something you might like, I recommend giving it a shot.

**ARC Provided by Publisher**