A review by picky_book_b1tch
On Solid Ground by Melissa Collins


I really enjoyed the first part of the store and initially liked the both main characters but as the book progressed I kept hoping for one or the other to take some sort of control. They were all in then all out so many times I was getting whip-lash.

Miscommunication and misunderstandings are often used as a plot device in romances. I get it. These are cause most of the strife in real life romances as well. Sometimes though, in life and in fiction, things can blowout of proportion and seem like drama for the sake of drama. We all can name a drama queen or two. Unfortunately, this is the case with this book. I couldn't buy what the author was trying to sell.

I love Melissa Collins work and will continue to read her books. This one just fell short of what I have come to expect from her.