A review by coffeechug
What Girls Are Made Of by Elana K. Arnold


What Girls Are Made of by Elana K. Arnold http://amzn.to/2qE8aEM - A book that shook me to my core as a parent of two girls and an educator and coach to many more. What are we doing to empower girls to feel like a complete person while also allowing them to realize their thoughts and feelings are natural and real and not to be downplayed?

“You can’t make people love you. Love isn’t something you earn, or something you deserve. Love just is. Or it isn’t. Anyway, there are more important things than love.”

“And I’m more than any of the parts of me—I am more than my good parts, and more than my bad ones. I am more than my mistakes. I am more than my memories. I will say these words again and again, like an anthem, like a prayer, until I believe them."