A review by teresab78
Black Dog Blues by Rhys Ford


****Reviewed for Prism Book Alliance****

4.5 Stars - I had read the précis for this book and immediately needed to read it – only to find out it was out of print. So I had to wait for it to be rereleased. In the meantime, I had read a few reviews that made me nervous. Rumours that Kai was basically straight and lusted after women for most of the book, and that there was really no romance, made me wonder if I did want to read it after all. However I had committed to reviewing it, so I forged ahead.

I am so glad that I did! It was stated early on that Kai was an equal opportunity lover, and though he does lust after a few women, he doesn’t carry through. As well, he has equal lust for our other male MC. Although there isn’t romance, per se, there is definitely a lot of sexual tension with potential.

This is very much Kai’s story though. Told from his perspective, we learn a lot about him, though not fast enough for my tastes. Information is withheld and hinted at, doled out sparingly, which amps the tension and suspense of the novel. The adventure and action kept the pacing swift and me on the edge of my seat.

I loved the world and the uniqueness of the setting. It is a fantasy dystopian future with sci-fi elements in the technology but also magic and creatures from the fae world. The descriptions are rich and I could feel myself present.

Though there is definitely more of the story to tell, and I am eager to read it. It didn’t end on a cliff hanger, for which I am thankful. I do need more of this couple together though as there is no sex whatsoever in this book, just a few steamy kisses. That will have to keep me until next time!

Prism Book Alliance