A review by mikifoo
The Story Keeper by Anna Mazzola



This story was atmospheric with it's wet, cold and gloomy weather. The story primarily takes place in an large house with secret entrances and hidden corridors which adds to its spooky feeling. As far as mysteries go, this one isn't bad, but it is predictable. It's formulaic. Although the tale is beautifully told as it includes folklore and faery stories (who doesn't love faery stories?!), it's just the same story wrapped in different packaging. That being said, if you're looking for a book to get lost in, I think that this is the story for you. I appreciate the female characters's determination to be independent. I also enjoyed Audrey-the protagonist's-sentiments, a response to male characters's sexist and patronizing behaviour:

"'No wonder you stay so slender,' the minister said, nodding at the untouched food. 'You have the figure almost of a child.'
Audrey gave a chill, flat smile. It never ceased to amaze her how many people thought it acceptable to comment on a woman's size or shape, or how much she ate" (221).