A review by leelah
Dance Master by Faith Hunter, Khristine Hvam

Read as part of [b:The Jane Yellowrock World Companion|18007323|The Jane Yellowrock World Companion|Faith Hunter|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1381298150s/18007323.jpg|25273317]

This story is too short and it's total fan service with George being sexy and determined, and as someone who is a fan of Bruiser, I appreciate it very much.

"You will leave her for me, Leo whispered into his mind. The woman is mine.
“The woman belongs to no one.” George bowed his head as Leo lashed out at him. But he didn’t give up. “She is free, my master. And you will not be able to take her.”

George stop being so gentlemanly and swoon-worthy- I already like you.