A review by bookph1le
Giant Days: Not on the Test Edition, Volume 1 by John Allison


I was lukewarm about this at first, but I enjoyed it more as it went on. I'd categorize it as slice of life, dealing with three friends as they work their way through their first year at a university, set in the UK. Each of the three friends has a distinct personality, but I think what prevented me from getting into at first was that there was no discernible overarching storyline, hence the "slice of life" designation. Yes, the characters do have backstories, and those do come into play, but this is mainly a comic about the day-to-day lives of these three characters, so if you're like me and not immediately taken with them, it can take some time to warm up to them. I am curious to see where this goes next, as well as whether the story will draw me in more, so I do plan on reading further issues. Still, as far as comics and graphics go for me, this one was genial and good, but it wasn't one that immediately grabbed me and pulled me into its world.