A review by reading_ladies_blog
The Romanov Bride by Robert Alexander


Told from two perspectives, this well researched histfic story explores the years of the Russian Revolution and introduces us to a member of the Romanov family. I grew to appreciate the thoughtful themes of crime vs forgiveness, anger and vengeance vs love and service, and our chosen reactions to grief and tragic misfortune. The juxtaposition of the two main characters was especially fascinating as they each moved in opposite directions after the tragic death of loved ones....Pavel chose revenge, anger, and anarchy while Ella chose love, service to the poor, and faith. As the story progressed, they grew more devoted to their chosen paths and more extreme from each other. This did not prevent them, though, from meeting at the end of their lives and sharing their stories with each other. After this poignant conversation, it was especially tragic that Pavel chose to continue on the path of revenge until the bitter end. I appreciate learning about the extraordinary life of The Grand Duchess Elisavyeta aka Holy Martyr Elizabeth Feodorovna, the abbess of the Convent of Saints Martha and Mary. This book and its themes of revenge, faith, and forgiveness would make an excellent book club discussion!

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