A review by modernzorker
Avengers Arena Vol. 2: Game On by Dennis Hopeless


The arena's set, the players are in place, and Arcade's having the time of his life watching his young charges murder the absolute bejeezus out of one another at his behest. The first volume might be mostly introduction and back-story, but Volume 2 of Dennis Hopeless's mean-spirited trilogy is pretty much all action, with a few surprises thrown in to boot. There's a bit more character exposition, some explaining of background, and a cut-away to explain why none of the adult mutants who should be looking for these characters are doing so, but by and large the bulk of this book is exactly what you'd expect: teams forming, sides squaring off, betrayals, sacrifice, and death galore. If you've been holding your breath to see X-23 pop her claws in preparation for a colossal slash-fest, prepare to exhale.

Pretty much everything I wrote in my review for volume 1 applies here, so I'm not going to recap. Just know from here on out, things get a hell of a lot more hectic for the surviving kids. The real question is if Hank Pym or anyone else on the outside will figure out what's going on in time to save anyone, or if the mini-Avengers will be forced to continue culling their ranks as the 30-day threshold draws ever closer.