A review by lawbooks600
Unwanted by Amanda Holohan


7/10, now that I look back this book was not as good as I had thought but it was still an enjoyable read and it's such a shame that not much people know about this quite unique book though. Unwanted by Amanda Holohan is an interesting concept but its execution left me mostly satisfied but I wanted a bit more from the book because when I finished this novel, I was left with a few questions to do with the world building which was quite vague. The world the book is set in by itself is fine since it is just a typical post apocalyptic fortress city after some sort of catastrophic event like a pandemic or nuclear war, I don’t really know. The main character, Bea, was not the most memorable character ever since she is just some strong protagonist, but she gets the job done and moves the story forward and that’s it. The side characters were utterly forgettable and did not have more than one characteristic at all. The story starts off with Bea fending off against mutated flying creatures called Erebii and then she discovers the other aspects of the dystopian society. After that she joins the resistance and, in the end, there was a big plot twist about the leader of the city lying to them which was quite predictable but last of all there was a civil war and the book just ended in a cliffhanger just like that, what a shame. Apparently, there is a second book in the series, but my library does not even have it yet, so I’ll never know what happened. If you like an obscure dystopian story this one is for you.