A review by nicolet2018
Dark Blood by Christine Feehan


I was very skeptical coming into this installment of the Dark series because I felt so conflicted over the last one I read, Dark Wolf. I had so many problems with the way the main lifemate pair was portrayed. I was wondering how much better or worse Dark Blood could be because in the previous books a connection is hinted between Branislava and Zev.

Lots of spoilers ahead!

I have to say the story began well. I like that it is different this time. Zev who has been Lycan his entire life wakes to find himself different. He is now a mixed blood "han ku pesak kaikak" a guardian of all like Dimitri and Fen. Being Carpathian is very new to him and I liked reading about him getting used to the Carpathian way. It was funny to see him so confused about why he got into such a crazy jealous state when any male spoke to Branislava. I wonder where they came up with nicknames like Bronnie and Branka for her. Branislava is a powerful woman of her own. Her bloodline sees to it. Since books ago, readers know that the Dragonseeker line is a very powerful Carpathian family line. But Branislava is more than her lineage, she is smart and observant but not social. Having been imprisoned all her life by Xavier, she has had time to wallow or to learn. I felt that although Branislava is quieter than Tatijana, she is the stronger one.

Finding out about who Zev really is was surprising but it was interesting to explore on the fact that you may be born as something but if you think and are brought up differently your whole life that will stick with you rather than who you were born as.
Spoiler I was happy to find out that Dark Blood is a powerful Carpathian family line
but at the same time I am not really in awe because there are already so many powerful Carpathian families, the Dubrinkys, Daratrazanoffs, Dragonseekers and Tirunuls. To have a few would make it more believable but if the author is going to keep introducing a new powerful family line. It just makes it not special anymore. It might as well be that every Carpathian family is powerful.

Okay, I did not like the romance aspect so much as the main plot. The plot was great with more shocking revelations. I like the scene where Zev dances with Branislava and all the Carpathian lifemates and their children begin to join. It was so nice to see the other pairs! especially since I was missing them and wondering why they did not show up. I love the banter between the characters, it just shows how much they love each other as a family and as friends but at times it seemed so good that it felt fake.

I think Skyler really came into her own in this book despite not being the main character. I saw alot of Ivory, Tatijana and her in this book. She grew more in this book compared to her book which was the last installment. I think this was the time I really began to admire her skills and knowledge. I like how the plot is again expanded to encompass Lycans and Carpathians while providing answers on previous mysteries in the past books. I think it is amazing how the author can keep track of so many characters and make it such that it does jot shy away from the main lifemate pair but the others are not just small background characters. They are special in their own ways. This is a huge challenge and well done I have to say.

I was pleasantly surprised to finally meet Darius and Tempest's child, Andor and the birth of Falcon and Sara's daughter, Isabella. It is quite obvious the author is setting the stage for the children because they are portrayed as powerful despite their age. I feel my skepticism coming though. I like that the Carpathians are open to technological changes and are moving with the times. The healing patch Gary made is cool.

Branislava and Zev are great individuals and admirable people but as per the Carpathian lifemate formula. Things are pretty similar aside from some differences in sex scenes. Come on give me some variety of female body shapes not just big breasts, small tucked in waists and curves! One thing I did not get was how Zev thinks that Branislava tastes like cinnamon honey when he goes down on her. I know he says she smells like cinnamon honey and her blood tastes the same which for Carpathians is not such a stretch but I find it very difficult to believe that a woman's vaginal discharge can taste anything like honey, let alone sweet.

I did like how they talk things out and how understanding they are of each other. It is just that I felt that at times Zev did not need to apologize, not that Branislava forced him to be still it was not his fault. It is interesting to see how Zev becomes used to being Carpathian along with being a wolf. I felt that he was too possessive in some of the sex scenes. I do not know how Branislava can be so open to it. At some point I was worried for her. I did like that Zev is a natural leader and is always calm in stressful situations. I like how this book was about Branislava overcoming her life long fear of Xaviero. I think it is really satisfying to see characters change and grow.

I think this installment has made my view of this series improve. I am excited for the next book. I have always loved this series it is just that after reading the recent installments, I have been having mixed feelings.