A review by trudilibrarian
Wipeout of the Wireless Weenies: And Other Warped and Creepy Tales by David Lubar


Meh. Having cut my reading teeth on horror, I'm always on the lookout for "appropriate" suggestions to make to kids who come seeking a shivery experience of jolts and scares. David Lubar's Weenies series has been one I've gone back to time and time again. Perhaps I've just read one too many Weenie tales, because unfortunately this latest collection feels like Lubar merely phoned it in. There was little pizzazz and very few genuine creeps and giggles, elements I have come to expect from the series.

If you've got a reluctant young reader in your life, and he or she is a fan of the heebie-jeebies track down the earlier books. Some of those are a hoot and a half.