A review by aj237
Against the Current by Lily Seabrooke


Against the Current focuses on two characters we were introduced to in the first book in the Bayview series. Annabel is known for her many hookups and her seeming inability to commit to a relationship. Priscilla is one of Annabel's athletes she coaches on the swim team. Priscilla only has eyes for Annabel and everyone in town is highly aware of this fact, though Annabel is oblivious. Or is she? When the fun trope of "only one bed" comes into play during an away swim meet, Annabel and Priscilla are forced to admit their attraction and just how far a single kiss might lead them.

Both women are torn between wanting to maintain the proper relationship expected between a coach and an athlete, and the powerful attraction they have to one another. This attraction isn't just in a carnal sense, but on a deeper level. They get each other. Annabel sees herself in a very negative way and thinks she is no good for Priscilla who deserves someone who can commit to her. Priscilla is an open-minded person and sees Annabel for the beautiful person she truly is. On the flip-side, Annabel knows how great an athlete Priscilla is and is able to push her to be even better, wanting her to have every success possible. I wasn't sure if I would enjoy a story where a coach dated their athlete, but watching the dance between these two women was wonderful to behold. They were perfect for each other and when they finally realized that fact, it was awesome!

As in the first book, I also enjoyed Paisley and her quirky ways. She's one of my favorite supporting characters ever. The way that the various members of this small town community interact makes me long to live there. If you enjoy small town settings for romances, then give this one a read.

I received a free copy of this book via Booksprout and am voluntarily leaving a review.