A review by dianed
It Started with a Whisper by Christina McKnight, Ava Stone, Dawn Brower, Deb Marlowe, Amanda Mariel, Erica Monroe


This collection of stories focuses on a gossip column written by the elusive Lady X. She knows everything that is going on and doesn’t hesitate to write about it. This book contains stories by 6 of my favorite authors. Each story focuses on how the gossip column can separate or bring people together.
Amanda Mariel’s One Moonlit Tryst starts as a bet between two men and ends with them both falling in love. A fun and delightful bit of fluff.
Deb Marlowe ties her Love Me, Lord Tender into her Half Moon series with an heiress who helps the underprivileged children of London while trying to see if the man she loves will lover her even without a large dowry. While he needs an heiress to save his foundering estate he must decide whether to choose love over money. As usual, Deb Marlowe’s characters choose love over money.
In The Lady Loves a Scandal Christina McKnight tells the story of a woman who’s love leaves town the night before he signs the betrothal documents. Now, one year later, he has returned – will she spurn him or is their love as strong as ever. It all depends on why he disappeared in the first place, but can he tell her his secret?
Erica Monroe writes a delicious murder investigation in The Scandalous Widow. Gabriel missed his chance years earlier when his friend an Earl married a woman that Gabriel was in love with. Now with the Earl dead, Gabriel (a detective) helps the countess to prove that her brother-in-law, the new Earl, is the murderer.
Ava Stone’s How to Land an Earl in Ten Days starts with a bet that Lord Darling can get a woman to fall for him in ten days or less. What can you expect from someone who is called DARLING. Ava Stone provides a fun story with some politics and danger thrown in. Little does Lord Darling realize that instead of a bet, he won true love.
To finish off the collection, Dawn Brower gives new meaning to the phrase that “Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned”. In A Lady Hoyden’s Secret we finally find out who is behind Lady X’s column and why she began writing in the first place. Helena was already planning to write a gossip column to giver herself some cash and independence but when Lord Dashville is forced to dance with her she uses him as inspiration for her column. Years later, he has grown up and matured (with some thanks to Lady X’s writing) and he finds himself in love with Helena. Will he want to marry her if he knows her secret?