A review by catseye
Never Whistle at Night: An Indigenous Dark Fiction Anthology by Shane Hawk, Theodore C. Van Alst Jr.

Did not finish book. Stopped at 35%.
Each short story was laid out for the reader. There was no working out nuances of themes, because honestly, there wasn't much nuance there. Because each story was less than 20 pages there wasn't much time to develop characters, plots, or themes. I just found everything on the nose, not scary, and a little boring. 
If you had no knowledge of colonialism and Canadians history with Indigenous people, then maybe some things would be surprising or eye opening. But as someone with basic knowledge, I didn't get much out of this book. I found many of the stories not very well written (though some were well written). 
I was hoping to feel the creep factor while reading these, but they were so heavy handed I just couldn't get into the scariness/creepiness of them. 
I jumped to the back and read Limbs by Waubgeshib Rice and it was the best of the stories I read, a classic horror tale. 
However it was not enough to make me want to finish the rest of the stories. 
One plus was some of the indigenous folklore was cool.