A review by glassesgirl79
The Giant's House by Elizabeth McCracken


I love "The Giant's House" for various reasons and I feel that this is probably one of the best books I've read in a long, long time. The reason I give this novel such high praise is simple: It's a wonderful book written by a talented author.

What first drew me to this book was the characters in the story. I could sympathize with the young book because I too grew up being taller that most kids my age and I also sought comfort at the library. I could too relate to the librarian who although she was an "old maid" sought to have a relationship with this the man which surpassed any type of sexual interaction.

From reading this book, I learned several things about myself that I didn't realize. By this I mean that I left this book seeing that everyone needs someone in this world to connect with. Also, even though these two characters were completely different from one another, they still managed to have a beautiful relationship.

In closing, maybe if we all took the time to get to know someone other than ourselves, other than someone within our race, gender, or age group, then maybe we could not only gain wisdom, but also get an experience of a lifetime as well.