A review by weweresotired
Death by Silver by Amy Griswold, Melissa Scott


This was fine? The writing was generally solid*, the magical system was interesting, and I overall liked the mystery that had to be solved. I wanted more romance between Ned and Julian -- the book leans much more towards mystery than romance -- and so much of their issues result from the classic Failure to Communicate trope, one of my least favorites. I did like that the book starts with them already knowing each other, as they went to school together as children. These two have a lot of shared history which comes through really well, but which also makes the "we didn't talk about anything and have both come to our own incorrect assumptions" aspect more frustrating. I think if you go in expecting this to be a standard Victorian murder mystery with a dash of romance, you'll have a better time than I did.

*I very rarely notice typos or errors in books but there was a notable amount of errors in this. It didn't change my enjoyment of it -- and I don't fault the authors for this, I know full well how hard it is to get clean copy, I sometimes look back at things I wrote 10 years ago and have re-read multiple times and STILL find errors -- but frustrates me from a "what are your editors even doing?" perspective.