A review by bookwormy614
We Love You, Charlie Freeman by Kaitlyn Greenidge


I'll start by saying that I tend to steer clear of books in the library with the African American sticker across the spine. With a handful of exceptions, most tend to revolve around slavery or hood life and neither are subjects I enjoy. However, the cover and title of "We Love You, Charlie Freeman" caught my attention and after reading the first few pages I knew this wasn't the typical African American fiction I was used to.

There's a lot going on here. The theme revolves around race but there's so much more. Tension -racial - sexual - familial - class. Everyone in this book is vying for attention but only one seems to get it and once he gets it, in the end, he still isn't satisfied. So many issues throughout but really it's just a story about a family that starts off fairly normal and becomes dysfunctional in an attempt to make history. It can and will make you uncomfortable but race, sex, and family secrets usually do. Do yourself a favor ... read this and open your mind to what's going on in the world just a little more.