A review by ivegotyourpaperback
Family Recipe by Lisa Henry, Tia Fielding


This story was just so sweet, it makes me so happy.

It’s more than just a story about two men falling in love. It’s about a group of people becoming a proper family and healing from past trauma and experiences.

While the story depicts situations that don’t happen to everyone, it is deals with the very relatable theme of having to mature or grow up very quickly. I felt this was portrayed well.

Del was an incredible character. He was great at being supportive to both Justin and the younger siblings, while also recognising their boundaries. I usually don’t like children in my romances but Del was so amazing with the kids that I didn’t mind this time.

Not only is the family dynamic done well but so is the romance. Sex was not the most important aspect of the story. The domesticity and building of the relationship is what stuck with me most. I really cared about Justin and Del as a couple and I just wanted them to be happy.

This is a relatively short read and the pacing was great.

Trigger warnings as follows (proceed at your own risk):
⚠️mention of drug use
⚠️implied child abuse and neglect
⚠️mention of racism
⚠️homophobia-fueled violence