A review by sigurdas
The Future of Humanity: Terraforming Mars, Interstellar Travel, Immortality and Our Destiny Beyond Earth by Michio Kaku


The following citation from this book pretty much sums it up for me:
"For example, think of a two-dimensional world of Flatlanders, who, like cookie men, can only move left or right, but never “up.” Imagine that there was once a beautiful three-dimensional crystal that exploded, showering fragments onto Flatland. Over the years, the Flatlanders have reassembled this crystal into two large fragments. But as hard as they try, they are unable to fit these last two fragments together. Then one day, a Flatlander makes the outrageous proposal that if they move one fragment “up,” into the unseen third dimension, then the two fragments would fit together and form a beautiful three-dimensional crystal. So the key to re-creating the crystal was moving the fragments through the third dimension. By analogy, these two fragments are relativity theory and the quantum theory, the crystal is string theory, and the explosion was the Big Bang."