A review by thedailykaylee
Four Ever by Amelia K. Oliver


I received an ARC for my honest review so here goes: I read the first book and I loved the storyline so I was excited to see where book two took us. Unfortunately, book two fell short of my expectations and that makes me so sad because I’ve read other books by Amelia and loved them! It seems as if not much of anything really happens in book two other than a ton of sex. Don’t get me wrong, I love the hot scenes, but at one point I felt like the entire book was one big orgy. I expected to learn more about their powers and really find out what Everly can do as the Queen of the Seas, but that wasnt the case. Like I said, this book is all about the sex. Also, Everly made it very clear she likes to be in control and won’t be a submissive... ever. Even the guys make it a point to tell her new guy that she likes control and to let her have it. But at the end of this book Everly says she wants Karl to dominate her... where did that come from? It’s a big flip in character, in my opinion. William, Everly’s brother, I don’t even know what to say about him. They all make multiple comments about not liking him, not trusting him, he kept Victor as a sex slave, but then Everly walks up smiling and hugging him in greeting? AND then he grabs her butt and tells the guys how lucky they are and is always checking her out.... HES HER BROTHER BY BLOOD!!! No, just not for me. Again, I feel like this book was focused on sex and not much of anything else. Oh and leyland got kidnapped by some dark fae princess, they save him and kill her... okay... I really hope that is explained in the next book because that was really freaking random and super quick, wham, bam, thank you ma’am. Why did she kidnap him of all people? I need some clarification there. Of course things pop off in the last 3 pages of the book, so hopefully in book three we will see more of their powers, what is expected of her as Queen, her defeating Poseidon, etc. like I said in my book one review, I really like the storyline. I just feel like this books is focused around sex instead of the fact that she’s supposed to be coming into her powers and saving the entire world. There should be a balance between the sex scenes and the scenes that really bring the storyline out, but this book is completely off balance. Don’t get me wrong, the sex scenes are HOT, but I need more than just sex to really stay interested in the story. This book does end on a cliffhanger and there is heavy M/M scenes. Rape and abuse are mentioned.