A review by thatlizhunter
Dating Disasters of Emma Nash by Chloe Seager


Emma Nash has a lot of promise, laughs, and a heavy dose of Tumblr humor.

16-year-old Emma is trying to get over a bad "dating" experience. But she's not even sure if she was dating? Now her crush is definitely in a relationship with another girl, and Emma has been officially ghosted.
Emma is NOT handling this well. And she's decided it's time to fix her dating life.

Ok, starting this, I honestly though Emma might be Emm from Jane Austen's Emma. Dating, setting up lists about people, being kind of boy-crazy, it sounded like Emma Woodhouse. But Emma Nash is really not the famous Emma. At all.

At first, Emma Nash is funny. She's blogging, one presumes on Tumblr because these blogs read like Tumblr more than anything else. Her blogs are quick and to the point. But after a while, they start feeling repetitive. Leon is dating someone else. I need to get over Leon. Here's a list of all the guys I could go out with.
Emma blogs through each iteration, each chat with her friend, each drunken party. It's query, but grows tedious.
Sometimes I wanted to ask if Emma had an actual life. Her obsession with the official jerk, Leon, and finding a replacement guy just grew old.
Also, there was alot of TMI going on. I guess some people want to know all about teen's horniness. But I felt it was just written in to make Emma more relatable or sexually free. Was it realistic? Maybe, I just don't know. But the bathroom info dumping was just gagging.

Now, there's a certain fun humor to this book. Lots of pop culture references. Emma's friend Stephanie is ridiculously funny. Honestly, I wish this book were narrated from Stephanie's POV because Steph is funny.

The writing style of the book can be a tad distracting, since it's all written in Tumblr blog posts. Skip setting & details for quick updates from Emma. basically, lots of lists. Which grow tiresome about the 3rd or 4th time she starts listing them. (What a pun, wow)

If you're looking for a quick, summer afternoon, contemporary read, Dating Disasters might be a good choice.

ARC provided by Netgalley in exchange for my honest review.