A review by thatbooknerd__
Crossroads by Mary Ting


Received a copy for honest review.
I’m not even really sure what to say about this book. I love YA books and I loved the blurb for this book.
But it kind of fell flat, now I’m not saying I didn’t like the book at all because I did. There was something about the story and the characters that made me keep reading.
I loved the storyline and while it was boring and repetitive at times, I kept reading to see what was going to happen. I liked the fact this book was about Angels and half-human, half-Angels. It was something different to normal paranormal/fantasy YA books.
The story started very slow and there wasn’t a lot happening at the beginning. The storyline did become predictable as I was reading through. I would have loved something where I just couldn’t predict what would have happened next.
I had a lot of confusion reading for a few different reasons: from the prologue to chapter 1 we get 2 different characters POV’s and while I don’t hate having different characters POV’s this got confusing because it wasn’t pointed out. In some chapters, there wasn’t a lot of description of what was happening, what the characters were doing. I had to re-read at times to make sure I had read it correctly.
While I did like Claudia, she was kind of childish sometimes, with her actions. She met Michael and then all of sudden she was in love with him. It was what you would expect from a 12 year old not a 18 years old. Also some of the language the teenagers were using was stupid. It just wasn’t something a teenager would say.
I am left with a lot of unanswered questions with the story and the characters fate. I’m not sure if I will continue with the series.
But I did really enjoy the Angel side of the story, about Crossroads, Halo City, Fallen Angels and Demons etc I loved the detail that went into talking to Claudia about the history of the Angels, and the half breeds.
Also the fighting scenes were quite good, I loved the excitement of them and how they were detailed.
3 out of 5 stars