A review by jacobthebookworm
Between Heaven and the Real World: My Story by Ken Abraham, Steven Curtis Chapman


"Satan is screaming lies over us all day long. And God whispers the truth is a still, small voice. So often the voice we listen to most is the one we hear loudest.

Going into this book, I knew nothing about Steven Curtis Chapman. I had only listened to two of his songs (The Great Adventure and Glorious Unfolding). Steven Curtis Chapman's career has spanned over three decades. This book doesn't just hit the "high points", it hits the "low points" and all points in between. This has made me laugh at times, and also cry at times (especially chapter 27).

The LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD (Job 1:21 KJV)

This verse basically summarizes Chapman's life, especially his later life. Early on, when he thought he would get "cocky" about himself, God would humble him. Even later, when he thought that everything was "right" in his life, God took away one of his children.

The book started out very slow. So slow, that I considered DNFing it. I was hoping this would get me out of my reading slump, but, at first, it didn't look like it would. I had so many things going on, that I read 20 pages in a week! When I finally had time to read, I could not put this book down! It was good to break my "genre routine" of YA fiction. I highly recommend this book!