A review by youwishyouwereme
Sisters: The Lives of America's Suffragists by Jean H. Baker


This book is a little overview of the lives of five women who worked hard to have the right to vote for women recognized. It is best described as five small biographies that talk about the overlapping work of the women, as well as making a great emphasis on their characters, personal choices, and philosophies of religion, politics, and feminism outside of just suffrage. While definitely a good read, at times it was dry. Even though it's less than three hundred pages with a decent print size, it still took me four weeks to get through because at times I found the presentation a bit dull. Another thing to note was the format of small biographies over a larger book. The book had the advantage of being able to use this smaller format to fit these women into the bigger picture, but also had the disadvantage of at times giving a feeling of wanting. My knowledge of these women has only been whetted now, not totally satisfied. Still the information was invaluable, and I think is a good information to the suffrage movement for those not wanting too deep of a dive.