A review by loverofromance
The Devil of Clan Sinclair by Karen Ranney


I have really enjoyed this author over the years, and even though I haven't read too many of her books, I was very delighted to get a chance to get a copy of this ARC through Avon and Edelweiss. I think out of all of books I have had the pleasure of reading from this author, this one would be at the top of my list. I would recommend it to anyone, it does have a bit of betrayal and distrust between the couple especially with how they began. However I found that from beginning to end I was entertained and there wasn't one moment of boredom. I could honestly conduct a hour or two long conversation about this book, but I wont take that long LOL

It begins with when they first fall in love, they start to slowly court, and their relationship is sweet and tender and innocent. Virginia is a American, and has come to England with her father to find a husband. Macrath has worked hard his whole life to get as accomplished as he is now. When Virginia's father demands that she marry a Count, she realizes that she will have to give up the man she loves. A year later Virginia has just recently become a widow, and according to her mother in law, she must get pregnant immediately. Knowing she has no other choice, she decides to go up to Scotland to find Macrath, and seduce him. Virginia's feelings for him coming washing back the moment she is back in his arms and then leaves him again. Macrath isn't one to be used, or to give his heart twice to the same woman. So he decided to leave for a while, and heads down to Australia for a year. When he returns he decides to visit Virginia on a impulse, but he finds that she is barely recovering from a deathly sickness, and finds out that he has a son, that she never told him about. So deciding to turn the table on her, and before Virginia knows it she is chasing after Macrath, only to find herself in a situation where she could lose herself in him, and doesn't know if she could have the strength to leave or stay with him forever.

The Devil of Clan Sinclair is quite a sensational story that swept me off my feet. I loved how their sweet romance turns into a vital love story where the focus is about the love that lasts. This couple goes through quite a bit of hurdles, and at first I didn't like Virginia, I had a hard time getting used to her character. She seemed to me to be the type that would be not willing to fight for who you love. She seems to be lacking some spine, she could have been a bit more bolder. However I had no issues with Macrath, he never gave up on Virginia no matter how much she hurt him. I loved his strength and perseverance. In the end though, I enjoyed seeing how the story plays out, and it ended up be a endearing story that won my heart over in the end!! A story I would recommend to anyone that enjoys a sensually filled romance that is bound to endear you.