A review by saschadarlington
Set the Night on Fire by Laura Trentham


Note: In previous reviews, I've put some importance on how long it takes me to read a novel. In this case it doesn't hold because I had to read two novels during the course of reading this one.

If you’re a fan of small-town romances with memorable characters, Laura Trentham’s Cottonbloom series will be for you. Set the Night on Fire, the sixth novel in the series, has the right combination of small town charm, sense of humor, and a sizzling enemies to lovers trope.

Mack is the stubborn Abbott whose life revolves around the garage that was his father’s legacy, and now Ella Boudreaux, a woman rumors say has taken everything from her ex- in a divorce settlement, owns a portion of the garage and seems to think she can interfere with its running.

Ella, however, is not who everyone thinks she is. In fact, she’s the one who added to her ex-husband’s wealth. She’s the one with the business savvy. And, now she’s the one with her ex-husband’s wife living with her. How did that happen? She’s also the one who bought a part of the garage for sentimental reasons.

Both Mack and Ella are big-hearted and so attracted to each other that they almost ignite when they come into contact. They are also written with so much depth, exuding good as well as bad qualities, that they seem like real people.

My only disappointment was the fact that Mac’s visit to see his estranged mother seemed too much like Jackson and Willa’s visit in When the Stars Come Out (you can read my review of that novel here)—you know, deja vu all over again.

While Set the Night on Fire is the sixth book in the Cottonbloom series, it is definitely a standalone. I never had that feeling of being inundated with characters from previous novels, although it was quite obvious that Mack’s brothers already had their own stories. At some point, I will happily go back in Cottonbloom time and read the other novels in the series as Trentham is now a must-read author for me.

Read this if you like small-town romance with humor and eccentric characters.

I received an ARC in exchange for an honest review.