A review by drtlovesbooks
Making Comics: Storytelling Secrets of Comics, Manga and Graphic Novels by Scott McCloud


I enjoyed McCloud's first book, Undestanding Comics, quite a bit, and followed up with his other technical works, as he seems to consistently offer interesting analysis of comics and insights into why they are ore than just a children's entertainment. Although I did not personally enjoy this volume as much as the first, mostly because of the many references back to that first work, I am planning to recommend this book to the art teachers in my school district, as it provides an excellent overview of the importance of comics as an artistic medium, as well a providing a series of exercises readers can attempt to improve their creation of comics. And there are chapters which I think would benefit any students working in any medium, be it graphic arts, film, or literature, as McCloud does a fine job of discussing story structure and the uses of symbolic elements to engage readers. Well worth a read!