A review by drbobcornwall
Broken Signposts: How Christianity Makes Sense of the World by N.T. Wright


We live in a world full of promise, and yet a world filled with broken promises. There are signposts that speak to these realities. While they are promising, they are also broken. NT Wright offers seven signposts that can help us make sense of the world, though we must recognize that they are currently broken and need fixing by God. These signposts are commonplace across cultures, though differently understood.

The seven signposts are justice, love, spirituality, beauty, freedom, truth, and power. Wright explores each of these signposts, noting where and why they are broken. Then he addresses them, offering a way forward, through the lens provided by the Gospel of John. In his view, the way to retrieve and heal these broken signposts is through Jesus.

Wright concludes this exploration of the signposts by suggesting that the story of Jesus "offers a new framework for understanding the world -- the framework of victory over corruption and death itself and the launching of the new creation." He continues: "John tells us what the creator God has done, is doing, and will do, through his Son and his Spirit, to put things right." (p. 192). Such is the challenge before us. For Wright, it's important to recognize that it is God who will do this work, though we have a role to play. Still, it's God's work!

I think this relatively brief and lively book will be a word of encouragement for difficult times.