A review by blueshadow
A Blunt Instrument by Georgette Heyer


I rather enjoyed this Heyer mystery. I'm not entirely sure why - the characters were (typical of Heyer) exaggerated and unrealistic, which means that none of them were relatable or likeable. But they did provide opportunity for occasional wit and lighthearted quips, which were fun and kept me reading.

The plotline was a bit tedious. There were actual, real clues (the lack of such being a huge pet peeve of mine in mysteries), so that was nice. There also was a lot of just slogging through the same facts over and over, looking for anything new, which is very tedious but also very typical of most mysteries in my experience. So I knew what I was in for when I picked it up.

Honestly, I think I enjoyed it more because I read a paper copy rather than an ebook for once. Pretty sure an ebook would have gotten only 3 stars. Although I did break down and check out an ebook copy at about 3/4 through the story, when I was sure I knew who the murderer was and no one else could figure it out at all, and there was a clue I wanted to trace down. It's much easier to find things with the "search" function of an ebook than flipping through paper pages.

Also, a touch of anti-Semitism in this book. It didn't bother me much, because it was a minor character, but I found myself disappointed that Heyer consistently portrays Jews as greasy swindlers in financial occupations.