A review by casspro
The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen


I recently stage managed a production of "The Snow Queen" that based off of Andersen's fairy tale. Having never heard of the story before that show, and afterwards learning that this is what Frozen is very loosely based on, I thought I should read the original to get more insight.

I borrow this on as a hoopla audiobook and I don't know if it's how the story is written or how the narrator is presenting the audiobook but, it seems very strange and disjointed. I've not read many of Hans Christian Andersen to know how this compares with his other tales. By part 4 of the audiobook, the main heroine is still listening to the songs of flowers and crows and not hightailing her ass to rescue Kai. There's no sense of urgency, despite the bits of evil looking glass lodged in Kai's eye and heart, and his capture by a woman has the power to kiss him to death.

The play version kept true to the main plot lines of the tale, but if you're looking for Frozen: The Book, this ain't it.